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Conservation Commission Minutes, 02/17/2011
                                                                                                                                   Lenox Conservation Commission
February 17, 2011
Lenox Town Hall

Members present: Acting Chair Vince Ammendola, VA; Tim Flanagan, TF; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC; Joe Strauch, JS; Dick Ferren, DF

Absent with notification: Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; David Lane, DL

Request for Determination of Applicability, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 297 West St., Map 6 Parcel 13, known as Tanglewood.  Installation of sewer and drainage pipe, pump station and supporting utilities with a small amount of work proposed within the 100 foot buffer zone.

A site visit was conducted on February 5, 2011.  Attending were the following: Mark Levasseur of Foresight Land Services and Commissioners NC, VA, JS, and TF.

Mark Levasseur presented the RDA.

DF made a motion to approve a Negative Determination 3 with the condition that siltation devices be installed prior to excavation and that the Commission is notified when they are in place.  RFC seconded the motion and the Commission voted 5-0 to approve.

Request for Determination of Applicability, MassDOT, Highway Division for property located at 263 & 299 Pittsfield Road (Route 7/20) about 1700 feet north of Lime Kiln Road.  Extend storm sewer system with 24” reinforced concrete pipe and construct a stone dissipation basin.

Amer Raza made the presentation.  

Discussion ensued and the Commission advised Mr. Raza that an NOI would have to be filed because a point of stormwater discharge was being moved and would empty directly into a wetland.

TF made a motion to issue a Positive Determination numbers 2b and 3.  DF seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 5-0.

Notice of Intent, Schweitzer-Mauduit International, 2 Mill St., Map 2 Parcel 31.  Excavation of an approximate 15’ by 35’ (approximately 20 cubic yards) of contaminated soil within the wetland buffer.  

Present were Paul Gaudette, Environmental Engineer for Schweitzer Mauduit, International and Jack Jemsek, of Sovereign Consulting Inc., Holyoke, Massachusetts.

Mr. Jemsek told the Commission that Schweitzer Mauduit, International has a potential buyer for this site and that in order to sell the property the owners had to have the site inspected for contamination.  During this inspection several test borings revealed contaminated soils, therefore they must submit a plan to the State to remediate the “hot” spots, one of which is under the jurisdiction of the Lenox Conservation Commission.  Mr. Jemsek acknowledged that he had received a File Number from MA DEP which included eight comments as to the completeness and correctness of the NOI.  He addressed each item in a memo in attempt to satisfy the questions posed by DEP.

It was determined by the Commission that because the hot spots were not in the footprint of the old mill structure the property would not fall under the definition of Historic Mill Complex.   However, it was determined that the project would fall under Riverfront Area Redevelopment, but the Applicants would be required to make improvements to the property and replace the contaminated soil in question.  The Commission asked that drawings be submitted that would include the elevations of the hot spot area and a clear depiction of the improvements proposed which should include the plantings of native species at various locations on the property.  TF advised the applicants that the Commission would need a plan with site grades and how it relates to the flood plain as well as resource areas in order for the Commission to agree that there are no impacts.

TF made a motion to continue the hearing to March 3, 2011 at 7:30 pm at which time the applicants will provide the changes requested.  RFC seconded the motion and the Commission voted to agree 5-0.  

Minutes of January 20, 2011:  TF made a motion to approve the minutes and JS seconded the motion.  The Commissioners voted to approve the minutes 4-0-1 with DF abstaining as he was not present at that meeting.

RFC made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm and VA seconded the motion.  The Commissioners voted 5-0 to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola